Let’s touch Humanity in times of Adversity #COVID19

I am sure that you agree with me that we are facing difficult times in the world right now. I would argue that Humanity is encountering an unprecedented global Adversity matter with the #COVID19 pandemic.
We all need to keep positive, find hope in our hearts and remain true to our beliefs and emotional needs. Right now it seems that the winter storm has reached all of us and we are in need of a sweet fragrance of spring. In other words, we need something to cheer us up….making us wonder…making us believe that better days are in front of us and humanity needs a sweet moment to reflect and embrace the good from the Universe.
I found this beautiful video on @Huawei Social media feed.
“ From the bitterness of Winter comes the sweet fragrance of Spring “. The Shangai Ballet shows how something beautiful flows from creativity, hard work and perseverance.
Characteristics such as perseverance and resilience underpin our response to the global #COVID19 crisis, like these ballet dancers, we found the same spirit of “ Fragrance of Plum blossom comes from the bitter cold “.
This is a crucial historical moment whilst finding hope to still see the beauty that is on the way to touch our lives for good. Sometimes the only thing left to do is to put one foot in front of the other and “ learn how to dance in the rain “ metaphorically speaking.
The #COVID19 times have demanded more from us, as human beings we must bring our true value to the forefront of our lives and keep marching on despite what others, media influence and external pressures. I am not talking about breaking lockdown rules or rebel against the system, I am talking about marching on…..with ourselves; planting seeds for the future…making plans….looking ahead…appreciate the good around us and much much more.
Each one of us has special characteristics and a human side that can turn the world upside down by changing perspective and choosing to see enlightenment and beauty in every situation. Well, that is what this video symbolises to me, a shift in perspective, a different outlook of our reality right now. I truly believe that we all need a lift right now, in one way or another we are fragile and seeking strength is crucial. #COVID19 really expose how fragile societies, human lives, jobs and everything really is.
More than ever, touching Humanity is our best antidote against all the negativity, catastrophes and present situations around us.
In the meantime, we must find beauty in the Universe that surrounds us, whether in people, flowers, wind, sea, gardens, children, parks or even in our homes, please keep fighting forward.
I truly believe that the reward will come soon rather than later.
Kindest Regards, João Bocas