Wearables and AI will be The Game Changer in Healthcare

The combination of wearables and artificial intelligence will revolutionize healthcare.
The game changer in healthcare is going to be the combination of wearables and AI (Artificial Intelligence). We all know that wearables bring immense value in capture health data and they will be crucial for healthcare delivery of the future. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can do so much, from analysing large amount of data, early diagnostics, automation of processes and benchmark many medical practices.
Artificial Intelligence capabilities are many and extremely valuable. One of the challenges that we encounter today is fact that Doctor’s time is reduced and very limited, so the Doctor cannot deal with patients’ data and being asked to create inexistent time is more less impossible. That’s were AI comes in.
Wearables are already being used to monitor heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and glucose levels. Artificial intelligence (AI) can do a lot more.
For instance, nowdays wearables are able to read the movements of the user and understand their commands to optimize the fitness and health metric.
Wearables are already being used to monitor heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and glucose levels. Artificial intelligence (AI) can do a lot more. For instance, in the near future, wearables will be able to read the movements of the user and understand their commands to optimize the fitness and health metric. Being able to analyze such data is just one of many possibilities that AI has open for your wearables!
So as any business leader out there who is struggling with adoption in their marketplace, it’s time you start thinking about these exciting options for your wearables!
AI and wearable tech
Wearables are becoming more and more popular in the healthcare industry, and as mobile-based wearables become more prevalent, they will also be a part of a patient’s daily routine. The question you should ask yourself is whether this trend is something you want to take advantage of. For example, if you have the ability to capture a patient’s data automatically with your wearables when they go out of pocket or when they get home, then it might be worth looking into that scenario for the future.
With wearable technology becoming more popular and accessible, there will be an increase in how we use our devices. Wearable tech can help us do things that we would typically do on our phones (like taking notes). It can help us save time by doing things like making appointments, finding out information about our health and other personal data.
What is the future of wearables? Is the combination of wearables and AI?
Artificial intelligence is a future that is only decades away. As the IoT evolves, wearables will be able to better understand and interact with us. There are many examples of AI applications in medical insurance, health management, and even in retail. These are just a few ways you can use wearables in healthcare…
We are sure that wearables and AI going to be relevant at the healthcare sector in the few years. Contact us for more relevant details. To find out more about how we can help you with your Digital Healthcare Transformation, Healthcare organizational growth, or Healthcare brand positioning, please get in touch via phone +44 (0) 203 3620421 or via e-mail: info@digitalsalutem.com