Why I’m Excited For Value-Based Care


I’m excited for Value-Based Care because it shows that healthcare providers and insurance companies are finally starting to focus on what really matters: the patient.

Instead of focusing on how much a hospital can charge for a procedure, or how many times you’ve seen your doctor, Value-Based Care focuses on what’s going to help you get better. It doesn’t just look at your symptoms — it looks at the whole person and their situation to figure out what’s best.

I think this is critical because it means we’re moving away from a system where profit is the most important thing and toward one where people come first.

In the past, healthcare providers have focused on their own needs and those of their employees. This has led to a system where doctors are incentivized to perform more procedures than necessary, which leads to unnecessary costs for patients.

Now that healthcare providers and insurance companies are beginning to see the value in prioritizing patients over everything else, we can start making real progress toward affordable healthcare for everyone.

Healthcare is moving towards value-based care, but it’s been slow

That’s because healthcare providers have had to change their ways and adapt to a new way of thinking. For example, doctors used to be paid for the number of procedures they performed. Now, they’re being paid for the quality of care their patients receive.

This change has been difficult for many doctors because it means that they have to start thinking about how each treatment affects a patient’s overall health and well-being instead of just focusing on one problem at a time.

But this is good news for patients! It means that doctors are more likely to offer holistic care that addresses your overall needs rather than just treating the symptoms of whatever disease you may have at the moment. This helps prevent complications down the line and keeps you healthy longer!

What is value-based healthcare?

Value-based healthcare is a healthcare delivery model in which providers, are paid based on patient health outcomes.

This new way of thinking about how we deliver care is all about creating a system that rewards doctors and other providers for the quality of care they provide, not just the quantity. Value-based healthcare is designed to ensure patients get the best possible care at the lowest cost.

The goal is to incentivize providers to offer better services and products to their patients — not just more services and products.

Value-based care differs from a fee-for-service in which providers are paid based on the amount of healthcare services they deliver. Fee-for-service is a model of payment that rewards providers for delivering more healthcare services.

Value-based care, on the other hand, uses performance metrics and quality measures to determine how much money a provider gets paid.In other words, fee-for-service is about volume, whereas value-based care is about value.

The benefits of a value-based care

The benefits of a value-based healthcare system extend to patients, providers, payers, suppliers, and society as a whole.

  • Patients: Patients get the best care at the lowest cost. They can also be more confident that their provider is working with them to make sure they get the care they need and want.
  • Providers: Physicians who are paid based on the value of their care are incentivized to provide higher quality care. They can focus more on prevention than treatment, which means fewer complications for their patients and lower costs for everyone involved.
  • Payers: Paying providers based on value instead of volume helps payers lower the cost of healthcare for their customers. It also encourages them to work with providers to ensure that their care is high-quality and efficient so that it’s worth paying for — and so that they don’t have to shoulder as much risk themselves (which is what happens when you’re reimbursing providers based on volume).
  • Suppliers: Suppliers — like pharmaceutical companies or device manufacturers — have a vested interest in making sure that providers are able to deliver high-value care at a low cost. They need those providers to be successful in order for them themselves to succeed.

Value-based healthcare is a way of thinking about how we do medicine. It’s about putting the patient at the center of everything we do and making sure that we’re providing care in a way that is not only effective, but also affordable.

The main benefits of value-based care include:

  • Lower healthcare costs: By focusing on outcomes and improving patient satisfaction, you can reduce the number of unnecessary procedures and tests, which will ultimately save money.
  • Higher patient satisfaction: When patients feel like they’re getting what they want and need from their doctor’s office, they’ll be more likely to recommend it to friends and family — and less likely to leave because they’re unhappy with how things are going.
  • Reduced risks: By reducing unnecessary procedures and tests, you’ll also be reducing your risk of malpractice lawsuits or other legal issues that could cost you time and money.
  • Better overall health at scale: The goal of value-based healthcare is to improve overall health outcomes while lowering costs — so if everyone in your community has access to excellent care at an affordable price (or even free!), everyone wins

Whether or not Value-Based Care is the best option for a given patient will likely vary from case to case, but either way, we are moving in the right direction. We now have an option that goes beyond simply the code and procedure a doctor or hospital offers, and looks directly at what is helping sick patients get better and stay healthy.

From there, it will be interesting to see how far this new way of thinking can go as more medical providers adopt it.

In conclusion, I feel very optimistic about the new healthcare landscape. The simple change of focusing on value rather than volume is helping to take some of the more time-consuming burdens off physician’s shoulders, ultimately allowing for more patient contact, which is exactly what we need in our struggling healthcare system.

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João Bocas - The Wearables Expert ™
João Bocas - The Wearables Expert ™

Written by João Bocas - The Wearables Expert ™

🌎 World’s #1 Wearables Thought Leader | Global Keynote Speaker | #B2B Digital Influencer | Influencer Marketing | CEO @DigitalSalutem #Tech #Wearables #AI

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